Sunday, 27 September 2015

 Reflection on TPI Results

As you can see from the graph, my scores for Apprenticeship, Developmental, Nurturing and Social Reform scored above the mean line and are ranging from 40-45 while my Transmission scored 30 and is far from the mean line.

I was not surprised with my results for four perspectives since I believe in education for critical, creative, and caring thinking. My score for Transmission shows I don’t seem to believe in Transmission. However, I do believe that teachers should have a firm grasp of their teachable subjects and be able to help their students with their questions. I also think that having a lesson plan is necessary, but a flexible one. I would like to work on my Transmission perspective as a future teacher and improve it.

One more observation that I made about my results is that my beliefs and actions are very consistent except in Transmission.

Chessboard Puzzle

Once I read the problem the first number immediately came to my mind was 64. Then I realized that there were different squares of dimension of 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8. The puzzle became more interesting! I drew a chessboard on a paper. I started counting the 2x2 squares on the left column and found 7 squares and I was sure that could find the same numbers on the bottom row. I came up with 7x7 for the number of the 2x2 squares. I used the same method for counting the 3x3 squares and the result was 6x6. And I realized that there was a pattern and I could continue this pattern for the remaining dimension. At this point I googled the chessboard problem to check my answer and other solutions for this problem.

The tools I used were a pencil, paper and a calculator.

I could extend this puzzle to finding number of rectangles or number of 2x3 rectangles in the chessboard.

Exit slip- Reflections on integrating instrumental and relational learning

After our discussion on instrumental and relational learning, I still stand for relational learning.  However, I think we need to combine both understandings in order to have a successful classroom since relational learning may not work for all students. Using both understanding allows us to facilitate all students’ learning and thinking.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Entrance slip-Richard Skemp

I will stand for relational mathematics because it gives meaning to the instrumental mathematics. Providing meaning for instrumental aspects can help students to see connection between a mathematical problem and a real-life situation. It is also a way in getting students who dislike mathematics because they see no purpose in learning and doing mathematics to appreciate what motivates mathematical concepts and see how and why they are useful. Moreover, finding easy and understandable explanations for instrumental mathematics is not difficult.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Hi every one.

My name is Pari. Nice to meet you all:)